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How to optimize your ice cream company micro sarl ,holding

Becoming self-employed can be an attractive option for individual entrepreneurs looking to start a small business.


The auto-entrepreneur scheme allows you to benefit from numerous tax and social benefits, such as simplified administrative formalities, simplified accounting and reduced social charges. For many auto-entrepreneurs, this allows them to make a decent living from their activity.


However, when the company develops and the turnover increases, the auto-entrepreneur scheme can quickly show its limits. Auto-entrepreneurs must then face new challenges, such as the loss of the VAT exemption, the increase in social charges and the obligation to keep more complete accounts.



Faced with these challenges, many entrepreneurs feel helpless and may feel that growing their business is the beginning of the end. However, there is a solution: the creation of several micro-SARLs for each activity of his shop, with a holding company to reinvest the profits.



In this article, we will explain to you how this solution can allow you to optimize your taxation and your organization, to better manage the profits of each activity and to make your business sustainable. We will give you concrete examples and practical advice to help you set up this type of organization and succeed in your business.


The organization of one's business is an important issue for entrepreneurs seeking to optimize their profitability. The creation of several micro-SARLs for each activity of its shop and the use of a holding company can be an interesting solution to optimize its taxation and its organization. In this article, we will tell you how this system works, what are its advantages and how to implement it in a practical way.


What is a micro-SARL? A micro-SARL is a limited liability company which benefits from a special tax regime. It is reserved for individual entrepreneurs who have an annual turnover of less than €85.


The micro-SARL makes it possible to benefit from the VAT exemption, which means that the entrepreneur does not have to invoice VAT to his customers, but cannot recover the VAT on his professional purchases. The micro-SARL can be used to differentiate the activities of the company and facilitate accounting and tax management.


Create several micro-SARLs for each activity of their shop: Entrepreneurs can create several micro-SARLs for each activity of their shop, which allows them to differentiate activities and better manage their accounting and taxation.


For example, an entrepreneur who sells both ice cream and drinks can create two separate micro LLCs, one for the sale of ice cream and the other for the sale of drinks. But it can be ice cream making and a second one that sells ice cream, you can also make another one just for them. Italian ice cream machines .This makes it possible to better isolate the costs and revenues of each activity, which facilitates accounting and tax management.



The holding company: A holding company is a company that holds shares in other companies, called subsidiaries. The holding company can be used to reinvest the profits of each activity in the company. The advantages of the holding company are multiple: it makes it possible to better manage the profits of each activity, to benefit from an advantageous tax framework and to better control the management of each activity. The holding company can be created from several micro-SARLs, which facilitates accounting and tax management.



How to set up this type of organization: The creation of several micro-SARLs and a holding company may seem complex, but it can be set up in a practical way. It is important to think carefully about the company's strategy, to define the activities to be differentiated and to properly assess the costs and benefits of each activity.


It is also important to comply with tax and accounting rules, by calling on an accountant if necessary.


Conclusion: The creation of several micro-SARLs for each activity of its shop and the use of a holding company can be an interesting solution to optimize its taxation and its organization. This organization makes it possible to better isolate the costs and profits of each activity, to better manage the profits of each activity and to benefit from an advantageous tax framework.


If you are considering this option, take the time to think carefully about your strategy and surround yourself with experts to support you.